Chapter wise and daily. See the chapters it has been divided into, remember the sections chapter wise. You will know for e.g. that from this section to that is police investigation, so whenever you have to find something, you have to recall the chapters only than the lengthy sections.
Also , study daily and do as many practical cases as you can as a lawyer, in order to remember them properly.
If you are a student, go through case laws, the more you go through case laws, the more you understand the application of the sections.
Section - 9 and sec.15 to 25
Order-6 and 7
Order-8 to 10
ORDER 16 TO 20, 22-23 AND SEC-34,-35- 35-A, 35
ORDER 24,25, 26 READ WITH SEC. 75 TO 78 AND ORDER 27 READ WITH SEC. 79 TO 82 -
.ORDER 1 TO 5 AND SEC. 26 TO 29
CPC order 39,40, Section. 96-99,100-103,104-106 and Order 43, Sec.107,108